Friday 23 September 2011

Day two

Morning :)
Currently I'm sat on a really uncomfortable train travelling to see family and drop Katie off at her Dads. Every 4 weeks I take my daughter, Katie 109 miles to spend the weekend with her father. And then he brings her back to London on Sunday. I hate this journey I personally wish it was a) shorter and b) didn't have to happen. It's such a long day for the kids and I, it makes me want to learn to drive...

So I'm 25 weeks pregnant now and my body is suffering badly his time round. My back has already been in pain or the past two weeks and my walking is becoming such a task. Sleeping is a nightmare as I can't get comfortable and not even having a pillow between my legs gives me any kind of support.
Feeling sick with everything. Yuck.

Anyway that's enough ranting.

After finding out that we are going to have another boy, we have chosen a name. So watch this space.

Enough blogging for now. I'll leave with some pictures of the past few days.

S xx

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