Sunday 25 September 2011

Day four

Today it's Adams and mine 2 year anniversary :-)
I can't believe so much has happened in such a short time, it's fast but amazing! We've now lived together for over a year and we have 2 beautiful children, Harrison who's 1 in 3 days and the new bump who's due in January. And to complete our blessed family is Katie :-)

After having a lovely morning of playing with Harrison in our bed, we got up, breakfast, Adam went to the gym and soon we are going shopping and then to lunch, so it'll be nice just to have a relaxing afternoon.

Adam got me a cute card with gorgeous words and my two favourite perfumes, Theirry Muglar's Womanity and Agent Provocateur, pink :-)

Going to have a pot of tea and listen to New Order with Adam.


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