Thursday 29 September 2011

Day Seven

It's my son's 1st birthday today!

Happy Birthday Harrison :-)


Wednesday 28 September 2011

Day Six

Morning :-)
Oh my it's only a day until Harrison's 1st birthday, got everything we need except the cake which we will pick up tonight :-) I'm so excited, this past year has flown by! I can not believe I've been with Adam 2 years, Harrison's 1 tomorrow and I'm 25 weeks pregnant! It's all happening so suddenly and fast!!

I have the parents-in-law coming over for 2 days in the morning but it's ok, I'm lucky! They are lovely in-laws!

Going to clean the whole 3 story house of ours today! Eeek wish me luck! All those flights of stairs and a Hoover doesn't mix! (especially while pregnant!) haha!

Toodles for now.


Monday 26 September 2011

Day five

Today is too stressfull,
I don't want to talk about it.

S xx

Sunday 25 September 2011

Day four

Today it's Adams and mine 2 year anniversary :-)
I can't believe so much has happened in such a short time, it's fast but amazing! We've now lived together for over a year and we have 2 beautiful children, Harrison who's 1 in 3 days and the new bump who's due in January. And to complete our blessed family is Katie :-)

After having a lovely morning of playing with Harrison in our bed, we got up, breakfast, Adam went to the gym and soon we are going shopping and then to lunch, so it'll be nice just to have a relaxing afternoon.

Adam got me a cute card with gorgeous words and my two favourite perfumes, Theirry Muglar's Womanity and Agent Provocateur, pink :-)

Going to have a pot of tea and listen to New Order with Adam.


Saturday 24 September 2011

Day three

Evening :)
It's Doctor Who day!!

Had a great day with my parents yesterday, I miss them when I don't see them as often :( so it was good catching up.

Received Harrison's birthday present from Amazon, he's going to love it! So excited!

Baby bumps been kicking a lot today, it's such a wonderful feeling :) it makes me happy and reassured that everything is doing okay inside :)

Going to catch up on some tv.
S. Xx

Friday 23 September 2011

Day two

Morning :)
Currently I'm sat on a really uncomfortable train travelling to see family and drop Katie off at her Dads. Every 4 weeks I take my daughter, Katie 109 miles to spend the weekend with her father. And then he brings her back to London on Sunday. I hate this journey I personally wish it was a) shorter and b) didn't have to happen. It's such a long day for the kids and I, it makes me want to learn to drive...

So I'm 25 weeks pregnant now and my body is suffering badly his time round. My back has already been in pain or the past two weeks and my walking is becoming such a task. Sleeping is a nightmare as I can't get comfortable and not even having a pillow between my legs gives me any kind of support.
Feeling sick with everything. Yuck.

Anyway that's enough ranting.

After finding out that we are going to have another boy, we have chosen a name. So watch this space.

Enough blogging for now. I'll leave with some pictures of the past few days.

S xx

Thursday 22 September 2011

Day one

Good morning :)
Today is my first ever blog, I've always wanted to blog about my life, family, news etc but never had the chance too or time, so as I can now do it on the move (with an iPhone :p) I can try and keep it updated as I hate being at a computer.
Well about me. I'm Shonia, i am 26, I live in Camberwell, London with my boyfriend, Adam. Our son, Harrison, daughter, Katie and our 3 cats, Wampa, wookiee and Kenobi! (yes! Massive Star Wars fans!!) I'm currently 25 weeks pregnant with another son who is due the 7/1/2012. We're more than happy right now. I haven't lived in London that long, only 2 years, it's still taking some getting used too! I'm originally from a small town called Corby in Northamptonshire. I was born there and lived there until I was 25. My family and friends all live there so moving to London to be with Adam was one of the biggest decisions I've ever had to make, but for the better as I've now got some new good friends here and a bigger life as well as my own little (ever growing!) family and direction.

This week I'm getting ready for Harrison's 1st birthday next Thursday :) We have all of our families coming to stay and visit as well as some friends popping in. I still can't believe it's a year since I held him for the first time! And now he's almost walking! So time to spring clean the house, make sone cakes and party food and make sone decorations.

Motherhood is amazing, I don't know who I'd be without it.

Until the next update.
Toodles. x